Pauline Devotions

Blessed and Venerable of the Pauline Family

Blessed James Alberione
Founder of the Pauline Family, Prophet of Communication
Fr. James Alberione, Founder of the Pauline Family, was one of the most creative apostles of the 20th century. Born in San Lorenzo di Fossano (Cuneo), Italy, on 4 April 1884 and baptized the following day. At the age of 16 he entered the seminary of Alba…The Lord guides him in a new and multiform enterprise: to preach the Gospel to all peoples, with the quickest and most effective means, in the spirit of the Apostle Paul. For this he will found an entire family that will have to live and work in such a way as to be “St. Paul alive today”..
Feast day: Nov. 26

Tecla Merlo
Cofoundress of the Daughters of St. Paul
Sr. Tecla Merlo, the first Superior General of the Daughters of St. Paul, was born on 20 February 1894 in Castagnito (Alba), Italy.
She was one of the first young women to follow Fr. James Alberione when he launched the first feminine branch of the Pauline Family in 1915 and thus she participated in the very humble beginnings of the Institute. She concentrated her teachings on a single goal: the call to holiness, which she viewed as the essential condition for effective evangelization with the instruments of social communication.
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo
First Priest of the Society of Saint Paul
He was born in Narzole (Piedmont), Italy, on June 13,1896. In January 1926, he was sent to Rome to initiate the Congregation’s first branch house…He tirelessly worked on behalf of the Pauline congregations, assisting in their birth and spiritual/apostolic development.
He was proclaimed “Blessed” on October 22,1989.

Venerable Fr. Francis Chiesa
Pastor, Author, Theologian
He was born in Montà d’Alba (Piedmont), Italy on April 2, 1874. Spiritual director and advisor to Fr. Alberione, he supported the Pauline Family in its beginnings and accompanied its development. He died in Alba on June 14, 1946.
He was proclaimed venerable on 11 December 1987.

Venerable Maggiorino Vigolungo
Little apostle of social Communication
He was born in Benevello (Piedmont), Italy on May 6, 1904. As a child, he met Fr. James Alberione and became enthusiastic about the “apostolate of the Good Press.” He entered the Society of St. Paul at the age of 12 and distinguished himself for his quick intelligence, love of work and goodness of character.When he was 14, he fell seriously ill and accepted the will of God with generosity. On July 27, 1918, he died in Benevello. His last words, spoken to Fr. Alberione, were: “Give my greetings to all the other boys. Tell them to pray for me and that we’ll all meet again in heaven.”
He was proclaimed venerable on 11 December 1987.