Paulines Publications Africa
Showing 1–16 of 35 results
Unfolding the Gospel of Mark – Part One
$8,670.00 -
An African Journey through Mark’s Gospel
$1,000.00 -
Word of God in the Church in Africa
$1,800.00 -
Nigerian Catholics and the independent churches
$0.00 -
Origen The Egyptian
$1,250.00 -
2000 Years of Christianity in Africa
$3,000.00 -
African Continent: An Insight Into Its Earliest History
$0.00 -
Jesus of Africa
$1,600.00 -
Natural Theology: With African Annotations
$1,500.00 -
Theology Brewed in an African Pot
$1,820.00 -
Plea For Change of Models for Marriage
$2,250.00 -
African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life
$1,600.00 -
Missiology – Theology and Praxis
$2,250.00 -
Apostolic Ministry ( The Sacrement of Holy Orders)
$2,500.00 -
Pastoral Circle Revisited
$1,600.00 -
Eighty Principles of Ecumenism