The Pauline Mission

The Pauline mission is a unique form of evangelization in the Church: Blessed James Alberione, our founder, saw it as the “written preaching” alongside the oral preaching that characterizes the ministry of the priest. It is our experience of faith that we feel compelled to share “because of the overwhelming joy it gives us.

Publishing House



Our Apostolate

In the Pauline charism, this sharing is carried out through communication, a witness for the sake of the building up of the Body of Christ. “Our faith which resonates through the books, DVDs, music, and digital media produced by Pauline Books and Media is mirrored in both our explicit proclamation of the person and teachings of Christ and our efforts to ‘speak about everything in a Christian way.’”

Publishing House

 We publish and produce books and audiovisuals based on the Bible, catechesis, the teaching of the Church, formation to justice and peace, life education and literature for children.

Book & Media Centre

“It would be beneficial if every Christian community, on one Sunday of the liturgical year, could renew its efforts to make the Sacred Scriptures better known and more widely diffused.


The Daughters of Saint Paul often organise book displays and Bible Days in parishes, schools, seminaries, during workshops and seminars, and in many other places. “Give wings to the Gospel

Fr. Alberione invited the Daughters of St. Paul to center their mission on the Word of God, but he also said: “Don’t speak only about religion. Speak about everything in a Christian way.” And he told them to do this by taking advantage of all the technologies of communication, by blazing new trails for the Gospel, by striving to be present at the ‘crossroads’ and ‘meeting places’ of humanity so that always more people can get to know and welcome Jesus.

The Daughters of St. Paul live for this mission, which they carry out through numerous activities.

Like the Word made flesh, the Word must be spoken into the situations of the world.

“ In our publishing, we are called to prophetically interpret the word afresh in each “today” of history. Communicating the mystery of Christ is to stand as witness to a life beyond this world’s life ” (Jn 17:16)


“ Our mission is accomplished not because we have a body of knowledge or possess “truth,” but because the Word itself shows both us and our readers/listeners its meaning and power each time the Word comes face to face with the world and with the future.”


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