Our Origin



Bl. James Alberione

Founder of the Pauline Family

"What is important is that the strings of our hearts be tuned for the melody which we want to play; that is, the chant, ' Glory to God and peace to people' "

James Alberione

"Let us always have more confidence that we shall obtain from God the graces which we need daily to fulfil our duties"

Tecla Merlo

Ven. Tecla Merlo

Cofoundress and First Superior General of the Daughters of St. Paul

Do to all Charity of Truth

James Alberione

"Let us always be very careful about what we say. There is still too much readiness to talk, to judge. It is necessary to reflect before speaking, if we do not want to be sorry afterwards."

Tecla Merlo

"Those who know St Paul, know Jesus Christ. Those who imitate St Paul, imitate Jesus Christ. Those who have the heart of St Paul, have the heart of Jesus Christ."

James Alberione

San Lorenzo di Fosano

Native land of Blessed James Alberione

In November 1883, just a few months before the birth of James, Michele Alberione moved his family to the “Nuove Peschiere” farmhouse in San Lorenzo, one of the 15 hamlets that comprised the Fossano municipality.


The hometowns of Fr. James Alberione and Sr. Thecla Merlo – the places where they grew up and received their formation – and also the places associated with the beginnings of the Pauline Family, are all located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy.


The little town of Castagnito lies between Alba and Asti. Maria Teresa Merlo was born here on 20 February 1894. Her father Hector and mother Vincenza were her first teachers. The village school only went up to the third grade, so Teresa had to go to a nearby town to continue her studies. Because the daily trip was too much of a strain on her delicate health, her parents hired a woman to teacher her privately.

"Not only is it important but it is necessary for all catholics to concern themselves with publishing as a work of catholic action above all others because it forms the thinking, life and heart of people (ae,60)".

"Jesus is presented to us as our model. He is the model of holiness. He was holy in mind, heart, deeds...Jesus is the religious who pleases the Fatherin everything. let us follow in his footsteps (APD, 390)".

"Jesus wants to feed and satisfy you with Himself. "Whoever is thirsty, let him come to me and drink". "I am the living bread come down from heaven" (APD47,351)

"The reason behind god's giving human beings his ineffable gift of holy scripture was love. This same love must inspire the apostle to write (AE,166)".

I Recommend charity. Be Happy, serene and helpful to one another. Charity is like the cement that holds the bricks together, but if there is no foundation, the building falls down (PrP I, 134)
James Alberione

Blessed are they, instead, who know how to sacrifice themselves for the others, who know how to forget themselves to help others, either with sacrifice or with prayer.
Tecla Merlo